Current Projects


Live "Sound-Paintings" in dialogue with other artists' works

The Salon Series is an ongoing project I began in 2009, working with other artists from different art-forms. Their art, my music. To date I've had salons with writers, poets, dancers, photographers, painters, mixed media and theatre artists. Below is an excerpt from my Salon Series with Dutch artist Petrus Spronk (Video by Marc Eiden): 


free improvisation - experimental music

Celebrating tension, distension, dis-allsorts of things..."When Lotte has Time" are Brigitte Meyer (vc, gtr, & v) & Helen Davey (p, acc, perc & v) working in the improvised realm with two voices and quite some strings amongst other things. 
The Trans-Lations CD


Student workshops to nourish creativity and performance skills

Since 1996 I've run workshops for music students who wish to experiment the myriad aspects of creative expression. Be it in improvisation, voice, composition, piano, performance art, self accompanyment as a singer, songwriting, the forum of a soirée offers students a safe place to explore their creativity.

Past Projects 


Interactive  Improvised  theatre

I've worked as  an improvising musician for several Playback Theatre groups since 2008 in Switzerland and Australia. 
One of my favorite things is to musically encapsulate the essence of a Teller's story.  Check 'events' page for upcoming performances.

Playback theatre invites you to pause for a moment and take an unfamiliar look at the familiar. Stories remembered and told are suddenly given a new dimension in improvised play on stage. The soundtrack, a fitting word, an expressive gesture suddenly bring previously hidden elements to light.
From die Naerrischen Alten Playback theatre troupe,




lyrical... evocative... filmic... 

Lyrisch, evocativ, filmisch, Fleurs de Sel erforschen Musik für Klavier, Akkordeon, Saxofon und Stimme an den Grenzen von Neoklassik, Jazz und World-Folk.

RUTH BIERI: piano, accordion, saxophone 

HELEN DAVEY: voice, piano, accordion

Bach's Boots         


poetic world-folk with a contemporary twist.

As a song writer, I enjoy accessing a wide array of tone colours to paint song moods. For this project, I sought multi instrumentalists  who could meet this need. 

I was blessed to work with two wonderful Swiss musicians: David Aebli (upright bass, mandolin, bouzouki, guitar) and 'NaturTon' percussionist, Ferdi Rauber (tabla, udu, gongs, many “nature sounds“ and didgeridoo). 
We worked as a trio for a decade, touring in Switzerland and Australia.
CD: Carvings

Since 1980, I've worked with many different arts practitioners - all whom have enriched my creative path. My thanks to them.

Katy Abbott, David Aebli, Heinz Affolter, Jason Allen, Marcela Arroyo,  Noel Beare, Karen Berger,  Heinz Bernegger, Ruth Bieri, Cherie Bridges, Brian Brown, Tom Burke, Cornelius Cardew, , Efisio Contini, Annie Coyne,  John Davey, Mavis Durham, Pierre Favre, Martin Gräzer, Alex Gromeier, Ermie Gruner, miriam Helle,  Bryn Hills, Neil Hodgson, Dodo Hug, Dorte Hyldstrup, Esther Knappe, Hilde Knottenbelt,  Jonas Labhart, Christof Litz, Brigitte Meyer, Thara-Simone Müller, C. Pat Pattison, Mark Payne, Mauricio Paz Viola, Noah Pikes, Josef Piras, Ferdi Rauber, Daniel Robinson, John Rowland, Maja Rüdisüli, Stefan Rüffenacht, Bob Sedergreen, Dani Solimine, Tomasz Spiewak, Christoph Stiefel, Nina Stiefel, Markus Twerenbold,  Magda Vogel, Barb Wagner, Helga Westmark, Brian White, Markus Weidmann, Al Wunder 

Guillaumne Apollinaire, Jenifer Hetherington, Linnet Hunter, Ivan Inderbitzin, Terry Jaensch, Cate Kennedy, Joanne Davis, Rebecca Lister,  Andrea Margot, Cynthia Morris, Petrus Spronk, Anne E. Stewart, Shakespeare,

Visual arts (including film makers)
Sonia Bischoff, Juli Cady Ryan, Lisa Call, Jim Carpenter, Bronle Crosby, Kristin Diemer, Dora Ficher, Jack Fisher, India Flint, Stefan Finsterle, Theresa Gaskin, Pete Goodlet, Ngaere Guyatt, Vivienne Hamilton, Nancy Hersh, Helen Hiebert, Sophia Kahn, Casey Klahn, Dariusz Klimczak,  Pete Lambshed, Laurie LeBreton, Ann Lewis, Padraig McCaul, Chris Maynard, Kathleen O’Brien, Jane Osborne, Felice Panagrosso, Mark Payne, Mauricio Paz Viola, Anthony Petrucci, Katherine Portelli, Alison Pouliot, Maggie Ruley, Gabriela Rüthermann, Gabriela Signer, Patty Sgrecci, Petrus Spronk, Ruth Stadelmann, Jeff Stewart, Gerda Tobler, Holly Wilson, Brenda York, 

Ingrid Barring, Sermsah Bin Saad, Margrit Birchmeier, Walter Birchmeier, Heidi Bützberger, Ian David, Danny Diesendorf, Rachel Dubois, Mike Evoy, Jonathan Fox, Karin Gisler, Andrew Gray,  Carolyn Hanna, Ruth Herzog-Diem, Ella Hofmann, Megan Jones, Bernadette Lechmann, Catherine Magill, Eva Marlin, Gerry Orkin, Alex Sangster, Salome Schneebeli, Veronika Schwab, Emily Taylor, Peter Wanzenried, Lenka Vanderboom, Alberto Wanderlay, Markus Weidmann, Rita Wyss, Fra Zella.    

Andrea Bercholdt, Alice Dixon, Rosie Fayman, Catherine Magill, Carolyn Meaden, Mirjam Sutter, Al Wunder.